
This page shows a summary of the data since midnightLocal Time
Temperature and Humidity
High Temperature13.6 °Cat 01:10
Low Temperature12.8 °Cat 04:19
Temperature Range0.8°C 
High Apparent Temperature11.9 °Cat 04:09
Low Apparent Temperature9.9 °Cat 01:17
High Heat Index13.6 °Cat 01:10
Low Wind Chill12.8 °Cat 04:19
Maximum Dew Point6.5 °Cat 00:19
Minimum Dew Point5.2 °Cat 01:31
High Humidity63%at 00:00 
Low Humidity58%at 01:08
Heat Degree Days0.9 
Cool Degree Days0.0 
Rainfall Rate Max7.8 mm/hrat 02:26
High Hourly Rainfall0.6 mmat 03:04
Current Wet Spell4 Day 
Current Dry Spell0 Day 
Highest Gust21 km/hat 00:36
Highest Speed (10 minute average)13 km/h (F3)at 01:04
Wind Bearing112°at 00:36
Dominant DirectionESE 
Wind Run29.3 km 
Beaufort ScaleF3Gentle breeze
Pressure (sea level)
High Pressure1011.2 hPaat 04:18
Low Pressure1010.0 hPaat 00:00

Page Updated : 06-Oct-24 4:25:00 AM
Powered By Cumulus 4.1.3 (4028)